Backup and Restore

Enable backup and restore for Postgres and Dgraph datastore's


This Functionality provides detailed instructions on how to perform backup and restore operations using the JeMPI_BackupRestoreAPI.

This is a dedicated application for handling both backup and restore operations. The scripts included in this application cover:

  • Backup Dgraph using API and dump JSON file.

  • Backup Postgres using SQL-Dump

  • Restore Dgraph using API using JSON file.

  • Restore Postgres using SQL-Dump

Backup Operations

  1. Dump sql files for Postgresql.

  2. Get all GoldenIds

  3. For each GoldenId: a. Retrieve the golden record b. Get the list of Golden Record Source Ids c. Get the list of interactions d. Write the data to file (JSON)


  • PostgreSQL Version: Ensure that PostgreSQL 15.5.0 is installed.

  • The backup and restore operations are validated on this version. Verify the installation by running psql --version

Python Installation

  • Make sure Python and the python-dotenv package are installed to manage environment variables.

  • Verify the installation by running python3 -m dotenv --version

Using python-dotenv Load these variables using python-dotenv:

  • from dotenv import load_dotenv

  • import os

  • load_dotenv(/path/to/your/.env)

  • print(os.getenv(environment variable name))

  • python3 (This should load the environment variables from your .env.local file)

Backup Dgraph and Postgres Process

  • Backup Directory Dgraph: JeMPI/devops/linux/docker/docker_data/data/backups/dgraph

  • Backup Directory Postgres: JeMPI/devops/linux/docker/docker_data/data/backups/postgres

  • Deployment File:

cd JeMPI/devops/linux/docker/deployment
Select Option 5: Backup Postgres & Dgraph
  • Backup Script Path: JeMPI/devops/linux/docker/backup_restore/

  • Backup Script Logic Dgraph: JeMPI/devops/linux/docker/backup_restore/

  • Backup Script Logic Postgres: JeMPI/devops/linux/docker/backup_restore/

The backup process creates a folder with a timestamp. Inside this folder, backups are created for each Dgraph and Postgres.

Manual Backup Process

  • pg_dump -U -d <database_name> > /path/to/backup_file.sql

Verify if process was successful

  • echo $? (This variable holds the exit status of the last command executed. An exit status of 0 indicates that the last command (pg_dump) completed successfully.)

  • ls -lh

Restore Dgraph and Postgres Process

  • Backup Directory: JeMPI/devops/linux/docker/docker_data/data/backups/dgraph

  • Deployment File:

cd JeMPI/devops/linux/docker/deployment
Select Option 6: Restore Postgres & Dgraph
  • It will prompt for confirmation (yes/no) and list the recent 5 backup folders.

  • Enter the backup folder name - it will start the restoration from the selected backup file.

  • Backup Directory Dgraph: JeMPI/devops/linux/docker/docker_data/data/backups/dgraph

  • Backup Directory Postgres: JeMPI/devops/linux/docker/docker_data/data/backups/postgres

  • Manual Backup Run Script: ./ {{ Folder_Name }}

Last updated