Getting started
A Quick start.
Last updated
A Quick start.
Last updated
A machine that has 24 RAM is advised, less than that may cause performance issues.
The following tools are needed to run/deploy the stack:
WSL2 (for windows users)
You will need first to clone the project on your machine.
If you're a Windows user, you should limit the amount of RAM/CPU that will be used by WSL, for more details please check the following link: Limiting memory usage in WSL2.
You should run the following command to initialize docker swarm on your machine: docker swarm init.
Cares on Platform aims to provide a set of services working together to consume raw COVID data in FHIR format in order to produce reports and visualizations.
This service will use, transform, and flatten the data to get the expected output and produce reports.
It is aimed to be working in Single mode as well as Cluster mode with the ability to handle big data.
It is an implementation of the general project Platform and it is developed to act as a custom package alongside some of the base packages in the Platform.
The following steps provide a quick start to Cares on platform:
Clone the GitHub repository for the project.
According to your arguments provided in the first command, it downloads one or three executable files platform-linux | platform-macos | platform.exe
Now you should edit the command in the
file. It should make use of the executable suitable for your operating system (the default: platform-linux
Ensure docker is installed on your machine, and run the command docker swarm init
to initialize a docker swarm.
To start up the project run the command./ init
The following options can be passed to the ./
for initializing the services
for stopping the services
for bringing the services up
for removing the services
Running the script will spin up the services.
You can run: docker service ls
to view the current running services.
You can check the sub-section Local deployment to check the expected running services.
You can check the Overview section for more understanding.
For more info on components and services, view Design & Architecture.
The section Launching & Local Testing will detail which services should be up and running and how to test all the flow.
The section Troubleshooting & Monitoringwill explain the steps to locate and issue if you're facing one.
The section Deployment will mention more options for starting the stack.
It is advised to take a look at docs, as well as Jembi Platform docs to understand the basics of the CLI and the packages used in this project.
In your terminal, navigate to the project root directory and run the command: ./
to download the executable for your operating system[linux|windows|macos].
Example: ./ linux
to download the binary for use on Linux.