Sante MPI Configuration

This page contains the configuration for Sante MPI. This configuration is imported using a config importer at deployment time.

For more information regarding the config importer, please see this link.

For general information regarding SanteMPI and its setup and deployment needs, please see their product documentation.

For implementation-specific SanteMPI deployment configuration, please click the Deployment link below.

Sante MPI Matching Config

The responsibility of the matching algorithm is to minimise patient duplicates across the different participating organisations. The matching algorithm makes use of a customisable matching configuration that helps to define the various types of potential duplicate outcomes that are typically classified as either deterministic or probabilistic matches.

Please click here to see the latest version of the matching configuration.

Sante MPI Identity Domains

Identity domains must be registered in the SanteDB iCDR before they can be used in messaging applications. For more information about the planning and purpose of identity domains consult this link.

Please click here to see the latest version of the identity domains.

Last updated