Getting Started

What you need to start using OpenHIM Platform.


  • If you're a Windows user and are using WSL2 to be able to run the platform: you should limit the amount of RAM/CPU that will be used by WSL, for more details please check the following link: Limiting memory usage in WSL2.

Quick Start

Ensure Docker Swarm in initialised:

docker swarm init

Download the latest OpenHIM Platform config file which configures Instant OpenHIE v2 to use OpenHIM Platform packages:

wget -qO config.yaml

Download the latest environment variable file, which sets configuration options for OpenHIM Platform packages:

wget -qO .env.local

Launch some OpenHIM Platform packages, e.g.

instant package init --name interoperability-layer-openhim --name message-bus-kafka --env-file .env.local --dev

This launches the OpenHIM and Kafka packages in dev mode (which exposes service ports for development purposes) using the config supplied in the env var file.

To destroy the setup packages and delete their data run:

instant package destroy --name interoperability-layer-openhim --name message-bus-kafka --env-file .env.local --dev

Next, you might want to browse the recipes available in OpenHIM Platform. Each recipe bundles a set of packages and configuration to setup an HIE for a particular purpose.

For example, this command allows the most comprehensive recipe to be deployed with one command:

wget && \
wget && \
instant package init -p cdr-dw --dev

Alternatively you can also browse the individual set of packages that OpenHIM Platform offers. Each package's documentation lists the environment variables used to configure them.

For more information on how to start stop and destroy packages using the command line, see the Instant OpenHIE 2 CLI docs.

Please join us on Discord for support or to chat about new features or ideas.

Last updated